Instructional Design For Beginners

Hi, everyone!

Does anyone know about Instructional Design?

Intructional Design is used to create instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge & skill more enjoyable as it mixes both Behaviourist & Constructivist learning tools.

Instructional Design in CALL

I have made an entry before that has explained everything that you need to know regarding CALL. This time however, we are going to implement instructional design which involves creating computer courseware for learning. both of them will act as a medium to support and supplement a lesson but it will not be considered as  a complete replacement.

Step that should be considered before making a courseware:

  1. We should analyze the importance.
  2. Be aware of the learners need. 
  3. Conduct the needs analysis before design the courseware for the students or even for the teachers.


Gagne's 9 Events

Merrill's Principle

That is all from me for this week lads!


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